Thursday, November 4, 2010

ExxonMobil: 2011 Global Geoscience Campus

ExxonMobil Corporation are hiring graduates for the 2011 Global Geoscience Campus. The locations are: Australia, Canada, Germany, Indonesia, Libya, Malaysia, Nigeria, Norway, Russia, United Kingdom, USA
What are we looking for?
A diverse group of talented geoscientists with the ability to integrate knowledge, ideas and skills to solve geologic problems across exploration, and production functions; Judgement and speed in application of geoscience tools and techniques; and, a desire to maintain their competitive advantage through advanced training and superior technological understanding.
Exploration and production geologists and geophysicists
ExxonMobil is interested in finding outstanding scientists who have a strong fundamental background in the earth sciences, physical sciences, and mathematics. We have excellent proprietary capabilities in teaching petroleum science and technology, and therefore do not require new geoscientists to have any prior petroleum course work or experience.
There is, however, a requirement for demonstrated leadership, adaptability, teamwork, excellent communication skills in English, and a commitment to high safety and ethical standards. The company regards its global and long-term approach to hiring and career development as the foundation of its future success as a company, and as a source of great opportunity for scientists who want to grow their skills and capabilities for a long-term career.
Geoscience careers with ExxonMobil also offer the opportunity to perform basic and applied research in seeking new ways to find and recover petroleum supplies.
Our research programs reflect exploration and production business strategies; for example, pursuing attractive exploration opportunities, developing production from new fields, and maximizing economic recovery from existing fields. We maintain close relationships with ExxonMobil operating organizations around the world. A primary means for transferring technology to ExxonMobil operations is through research applications in which results of recent research are applied to a wide range of exploration and production problems.
In many cases, these technical experts are made available to ExxonMobil operating organizations through temporary or regular assignments.
How to Apply
Click on the ExxonMobil Nigeria Careers Page. Click on ‘Search Openings’. In keyword, enter: 2011 Global Geoscience Campus* and click search.